Serrated Tussock Control
Dunalley area 2014
Weed control programs
Bream Creek Show 2014
Field day and AGM
Copping 2013
Community Revegetation Project 2025

Community Revegetation Project 2025

Tasman Landcare's Community Revegetation Project has opened for 2025 and is again aimed at improving our landscapes, biodiversity and water quality by getting more native trees and shrubs growing in the Tasman Catchment.

It is open to property owners and organisations for projects in the Tasman Municipality

A total of 2000 tubestock trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses are available with a maximum allocation of 200 per applicant. Only plants native to south-east Tasmania will be supplied.

Guards, stakes and jute mats are not available - you will need to provide these (or similar measures) to protect your plants from our charming local wildlife until they have established.

  • Project Run By: Tasman Landcare Group
  • Project Background:

    This project has been running for a number of years subject to available funding and has resulted in a numerous new shelter belts, enhancement of riparian vegetation, restoration of degraded areas, stabilisation of unstable slopes and erosion control. It is typically aimed at small/medium projects (up to a couple of hundred trees/shrubs) but can also assist with larger multi-year projects.

  • Project Aims:

    The project is aimed at:

    • enhancing/restoring native riparian vegetation
    • creating / improving native fauna habitat 
    • creating linkages to reserves and remnant vegetation
    • extending and improving the condition of native vegetation
    • planting a shelter belt
    • controlling erosion
    • rehabilitating and enhancing vegetation impacted by fire

    (projects for other reasons will be considered)

    If you have an area you own (or have permission from the landowner) which needs revegetating, please follow the application instructions. If you need further information please get in touch.

    Applications will be assessed at the next Tasman Landcare meeting until the full quota has been allocated.

  • Project Activities:

    If you are interested please complete the following application form:


    and email it to:

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    or bring it in to Tasman Council.

    Succesful applicants will be supplied with native trees and shrubs local to the area. In return the land owner undertakes the planting, protects the trees from local wildlife (by guards / fencing) and commits to maintaining them into the future

  • Project Contact: John Hueston
  • Project Contributors:
    Tasman Council
    Tasman Landcare Group
  • Project Funding:

    Tasman Landcare Group run this program through various funding sources.

    Thanks to Tasman Council for $3000 funding towards this project and to Wildseed Tasmania Native Plant and Seed Nursery in Sorell for supplying the plants and for providing expert advice on suitable species and how to succesfully grow them.