2009-2011 CFOC Improving NRM outcomes through engagement with farmers, land managers and community in the Tasman Catchment
Project Contact: Contact no longer available
Project Description: This project will promote sustainable farm practices and improve the skills, knowledge and engagement of at least 40 managers our natural resources (farmers and other land managers) to adopt sustainable land management practices. The following identified local issues will be...
Community Revegetation Project 2025
Project Contact: John Hueston
Project Description: Tasman Landcare's Community Revegetation Project has opened for 2025 and is again aimed at improving our landscapes, biodiversity and water quality by getting more native trees and shrubs growing in the Tasman Catchment.
It is open to property owners and...
Gorse mapping and control - North Tasman Catchment
Project Contact: John Hueston
Project Description: Mapping and support for on ground gorse control in the fire affected areas around Copping.
Manage Pasture and Improve Soils on the Tasman
Project Contact: John Hueston
Project Description: Different pasture management techniques are being investigated throughout 2018 and 2019 aimed at either combatting local issues or varying normal practice to improve pasture establishment or production.
Post Fire Weed Risk to Agricultural Areas
Project Contact: Contact no longer available
Project Description: This project aims to reduce the threat of weeds to agricultural land and continue to build the capacity of the Landcare community and will engage with at least 25 landholders of 588ha to address tome of the issues arising from...
Protecting Biodiversity - Managing Serrated Tussock
Project Contact: John Hueston
Project Description: Supporting landowners in the Tasman Catchment to reduce the impact of serrated tussock.
Soil in the face of change workshops
Project Contact: Contact no longer available
Project Description: We are lucky to have some of Tasmania’s best soil scientists presenting a series of workshops aimed to assist producers in maintaining healthy soil under intensified production (made possible by the development of irrigation schemes and other innovations). Much...
Swift Parrot Habitat
Project Contact: Contact no longer available
Project Description: Many blue gums (Eucalyptus globulus) and black gums (Eucalyptus ovata) were lost in the 2013 bushfires. This project involves planting these species within the bushfire zone, to provide future forage for the critically endangered Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor). Swift Parrots...
Weather Station and Soil Condition Network
Project Contact: John Hueston
Project Description: The Tasman catchment has distinct microclimates that are not represented by the BOM weather station data at Dunalley and Tasman Island. This project involves installing a weather station and soil condition probe network in the Tasman catchment to provide accurate...