Weed control programs
Bream Creek Show 2014
Serrated Tussock Control
Dunalley area 2014
Field day and AGM
Copping 2013

Further Information and Links


Local area information

Tasman Council - www.tasman.tas.gov.au

Sorell Council - www.sorell.tas.gov.au


Organisations supporting Landcare activities in Tasmania

NRM South - www.nrmsouth.org.au

landcare Tasmania - www.landcaretas.org.au


Bushfire management

Landcare Tas - on fire information

Tas fire service - www.fire.tas.gov.au


Weed management

Invasive species department - DPIPWE.  control information for declared weeds, weed legislation in Tasmania and weed hygiene information  - http://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/invasive-species/weeds